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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Open Forum answers of Nominees for U.P. President on October 14, 2010 at Science Hall, U.P. PGH
Embedded below are the questions and answers of ten of the eleven nominees to the 2010 Search for a New U.P.President held at the 3rd and last of the fora held throughout the U.P. System. This particular forum was held on October 14, 2010 at Science Hall at the University of the Philippines (U.P.) Philippine General Hospital (PGH). The answers are presented in the order of the original presentations given by the nominees. Only U.P. School of Economics Professor Benjamin E. Diokno was not able to attend this particular forum.
Readers who are interested in reading selective coverage of the opening statements of the nominees in this particular forum should click on this link at the Diliman Diary:
Here are the questions posed to the nominees and their corresponding answers. While each nominee was asked to answer two common questions, the remaining questions were chosen at random from a fishbowl containing slips of pape, by each nominee and were thus specific to each nominee:
1. Cabral, Esperanza I.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral said that "everybody in the university should be enrolled in the national health program, even students."
Asked, what are your thoughts of a return service agreement for all U.P. graduates? Dr. Cabral said of the U.P. budget, PhP 3.9 billion was for students. Since the whole U.P. System had a population of 52,000 students, then each student gets PhP 78,000 a year in subsidies. "We can ask for a kapalit," Dr. Cabral said, using the conditional cash transfers program of the government as an example where recipients were required to meet certain performance parameters or undertake certain activities in return for cash.
Asked, given the violent frat culture what will you do to address violence in frats? Dr. Cabral said the violence in fraternities "is isolated." However, she said the there should be a system for monitoring certain activities based on the principles for which U.P. stands: "non-violence and participative democracy." Dr. Cabral's answer was met with loud applause by the audience.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Cabral said that, "I thank the people who nominated me, but I do not seek any position per se."
2. Pangalangan, Raul C.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, Former U.P. College of Law Dean Raul C. Pangalangan agreed that there should be universal health care and that health care should be "actuarialized." he also said that the U.P. Provident Fund was doing well, and that further steps could be undertaken to strengthen it.
Asked how will the U.P. President work within the framework of the 2008 U.P. Charter (R.A. 9500) giving the Board of Regents (BOR) new powers to design a new salary scheme for U.P. employees, Dean Pangalangan said that with its expanded powers, U.P. is "now a corporate entity, but it is still bound by salary categories." The challenge, he said, is to use the power to raise money, which boils down to figuring out how to maximize ways to raise funds. As a former Dean of the U.P. College of Law, he said he had managed to increase bonuses several times for the staff, since he was able to also correspondingly raise funds to finance these bonuses.
Given a question as to how the U.P. Open University may develop and implement plans to reach beyond the autonomous campuses, Dean Pangalangan said U.P. should "experiment with ways to tap technologies without losing the face to face benefits of interaction between faculty and students. He said that even in other countries, there was always still a face to face component that enriched the learning process.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dean Pangalangan said, "the univesity is where I studied, and served all my adult life. I want to contribute to the growth of U.P. I care about certain types of gratifications. I have served as a full professor and as a Dean and now I want to leave a legacy behind for U.P."
3. Pascual, Alfredo E.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, Alumni Regent (on leave) Alfredo E. Pascual said U.P. needed to study Philhealth coverage of REPS, teachers, and staff without burdening them unduly with more premiums. He said for certain items or major expenses that are not covered, U.P. can provide a supplemental program. He also said that U.P. was lucky, because through the U.P. College of Medicine and PGH, there was a tremendous in-house expertise and facilities that could be tapped as a resource for all U.P. employees.
Asked what kind of initiatives he would undertake to improve the system for faculty promotion and tenure and to develop a career path for the REPS, Regent Pascual said "this requires study." However, he cited the principle that it is the faculty who should decide who qualifies for tenure or not while the BOR ensures that there no abuses. In the case of REPS, they should be promoted based on qualifications. He said that he did not agree with the practice that thee should be no possibility of breaking the glass ceiling in the case of REPS who were qualified to become faculty.
Asked about how U.P. can pioneer in telemedecine with an emphasis on delivery to health care providers, Regent Pascual said that the application of information and communications technology should be utilized to improve the delivery of the health care services and it is at this point that regent Pascual said that he was talking to a major telecommunications company to ensure that the bulk bandwidth was available to U.P. to ensure that it could carry out other projects which would include telemedicine as well.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Regent Pascual said that as an Iskolar ng Bayan, he wanted to to fulfill his "delayed return service to U.P." Regent Pascual said that he was a NISD scholar "but they threw me out" of possible service to NISD. He said that he liked the idea of the opportunity of solving complex challenges "which I will not shrink from. I hope to contribute my expertise to my beloved U.P.," he said.
4. Diokno Ma. Serena I.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman History Professor Ma. Serena I. Diokno revealed that she had a colleague from her department who had incurred up to PhP 1 million in costs to replace a heart valve. This colleague was only able to accomplish this through a social network, but there was still the post-surgery rehabilitation that needed to be done. She said on a practical basis, it was possible for U.P. constituents to avail of private insurance on an informal basis and using their numbers as leverage to command discounts from insurance companies.
Asked what proportion of graduate students there should be to undergraduate students, Professor Diokno, a former Vice President of Academic Affairs of the U.P. System said "not all universities are graduate universities." "The fundamental requirement is not the ratio, but the output of the faculty," she stressed, adding that even a so-called second-tier university such as the University of West Indies at Mona now required its faculty to have one published output per faculty per year, implying that some kind of similar mechanism can be worked out for U.P.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Diokno said that "service was a sacrifice and an administrative position was less important than my being a member of the faculty, and I will always be proud of it." Admitting that she was worried about the future of the university, Dr. Diokno reminded her audience that her late father Senator Jose W. Diokno was always asked by his family why he continued to lead such a hard life in fighting former President Ferdinand E. Marcos at great personal cost, and the reply which was her own as well was, "in life you have to beklieve in a cause bigger than yourself."
5. Cao, Sergio S.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman Chancellor Sergio S. Cao, a former Vice-President for Finance of the U.P. System said that while U.P. can't pay pensions, the 2008 U.P. Charter allowsthe granting of benefits to U.P. employees.
He said that he would work for PhP 200,000 in financial assistance for hospital expenses to be approved by the BOR if he became U.P. President.
Asked how U.P. could maintain a good pool of faculty in order to have a good graduate university, Chancellor Cao said that the answer was to strengthen programs which essentially hinged on figuring out how to entice the faculty to join. He said this could be done by improving salaries and benefit, and providing an environment where the faculty can grow, and where there are mentors. For example, he said there are faculty from the College of Engineering who would be willing to stay in U.P. for as long as there was a good laboratory and good infrastructure.
Asked why the U.P. Pahinungod was devolved, Chancellor Cao said that for example it was devolved into the Gurong Pahinungod in the College of education and that every college had some kind of way to handle the devolution. He said the original concept of the Pahinungod was to address the premise that "U.P. had lost its soul," and therefore this outreach program was one way to recapture this lost essence. Chancellor Cao said that the new thrust was to let the colleges handle this "because each college knows what it is. Kailangan manatili sa kolehiyo ito," he said.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Chancellor Cao used the words, "kakayahan at karanasan." He said that as U.P. Diliman Chancellor he had many programs that he would like to implement throughout the entire U.P. System. "I am willing to seve. Ang gustong-gusto ay delikado." He said that the process for nominating an individual to the U.P. Presidency did not stress that an individual "want to serve" but that he be "willing to serve." In view of the many nominations for him to serve as U.P. President, Chancellor Cao said that he was "willing to serve" as U.P. President.
6. Teodosio, Virginia A.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman School of Labour and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) Professor Virginia A. Teodosio said one way of addressing this problem was for U.P. employees to organize themselves into a cooperative "where we can be donor and manager at the same time." She called for an actuarial study on the matter, and said that in SOLAIR for example, all employees and faculty were covdered by MAXICARE.
On the issue of how to address the lack of faculty and staff items in U.P. Mindanao, Professor Teodosio said that one way of addressing this is to increase the budget and find ways for U.P. Mindanao to develop alternative sources of income.
Asked what strategies she had for U.P. becoming a research university, she said that in 6 years many senior faculty are retiring. Therefore, U.P. needed to raise money by using its social capital and to engage in collective-style businesses.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?"Professor Teodosio said that she was on the verge of "becoming the varegiver of my 82 year old Mom," but that the call of service motivated her to throw her hat into the ring. "I want to utilize my experience n social entrepreneurship in helping U.P., she said. I want to help my generation and the next generation to have heart."
7. Briones, Leonor M.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) Professor Leonor M. Briones said that the problem was that dreaded diseases tended not to be covered in existing coverages. She said that Philhealth, for example, had a large idle fund. She said that if she became U.P. President, she could help address this issue by getting back the PhP 1.179 billion taken out of U.P.'s Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) which was not granted by the DBM as well as the Php 300 million still owed to it by the national government under the U.P. Charter.
Asked ano ang maging pagkakaiba ng Presidency ninyo sa Roman Presidency, Professor Briones replied that she wold focus on financials, especially the raising of funds through public and private means. She said that she would also make sure that U.P. exploited its idle assets. She said that unlike Roman, who has a doctorate in business administration, she came from NCPAG which was a school of public administration with an emphasis, she said "sa pagsisilbi."
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Professor Briones said that she she at first refused the pleas of two of her young students to run for the U.P. Presidency. "Are you kidding?" she told them asking them to go away. However, the two students persisted, and she eventually gave in, despite the fact that she realized that at least half of U.P. Presidents had "their hearts broken by their jobs" because she listened to the impassioned pleas of her students that "you need to run, you need to help the university."
8. Alaras, Consolacion R.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, Former Department of English and Comparative Literature Consolacion R. Alaras said it was important to ensure the health benefits of faculty, staff and fresearchers. "I believe in justness and equity and the spirit of damayan," Professor Alaras said, adding that "all of us must have health coverage, or none at all."
Asked how she would cope as U.P. President with a corresponding lack of funds without tuition fee increases, Professor Alaras said "the basic point is that the government puts out the fund." However, in such situations, she said "Rizal is my model," adding that U.P. should shoulder what it can do well, such as for example, in education, governance and diplomacy. "Dreams can become realities," she said.
Asked what steps are you going to undertake to strengthen democratic governance in U.P., with an emphasis on the recent unilateral ouster of Dr. Jose Gonzales as PGH Director, Professor Alaras cracked, "parang ayoko yung tanong na yan ah," eliciting laughter from the audience, many of whom are U.P. College of Medicine faculty, nurses, staff and other personnel from PGH. Alaras said that she was in favour of instituting multisectoral assemblies to democratize consultation. Referring to Dr. Gonzales' removal by a reversal of the vote within the BOR through a manipulation of the board composition by the outgoing Roman administration, she criticized the U.P. administration by saying, "On the one hand you will use something to justify a decision and invoke an issue to get what you want or you will abandon an issue again just to get what you want." "The basic principle is that once Dr. Gonzales was approved as PGH Director," he should have remained as such. Professor Alaras' remarks were met with warm applause from the audience.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Professor Alaras said that U.P. was a metaphor for the Philippine nation and that whatever will happen in U.P. will influence the Philippine nation" and that she as running to positively influence not only U.P., but the rest of the country.
9. Azanza, Patrick Alain T.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. College of Education Senior Lecturer Dr. Patrick Alain T. Azanza said that if Quezon City had a yellow card, then "U.P. should have a maroon card," a statement that was met with applause from the audience. Azanza also used the question to make statement about University-related foundations raising funds without the public knowing what is happening in those foundations.
Asked how he would improve U.P. faculty compensation, Dr. Azanza said he would stress increasding incentives in return for increasing intellectual outputs. However, he said that it was also important to tap the idle resources of U.P.
Dr. Azanza, responding to the query, how will you attract U.P. faculty to stay, said that a former Dean of the U.P. College of Law received an eviction notice for overstaying in faculty housing. He disagreed with this, saying that "we have to make sure that we retain the best, but the best has its price." He said, "my mission is to run for the U.P. Presidency," utilizing his skills in human resource development in "compensating the faculty properly."
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Azanza said that "the sectors asked me to run. Ang nomination ko ay isang dalisay na pagkakataon para magsilbi sa bayan."
10. Velasco, Luis Rey
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Los Baños Chancellor Luis Rey Velasco said he preferred to stress "a preventive approach," because "kuminsan nagsisitabaan ang faculty."
Asked the question, "Shouldn't U.P. be producing graduates primarily for the public sector?" Chancellor Velasco said that U.P.'s responsibility was "for all parts of the Philippines." He said that "the private sector is the economic engine for growth of the country, and we need to have one country where we all work together."
Asked what his plans were for PGH employees, because PGH should in fact be part of SSL3 despite this premise being challenged by the Department of Budget and Management, Chancellor Velasco said that he believed in merit incentives for performance. He said that as Chancellor of UPLB he made sure that outstanding REPS and staff were given PhP 100 thousand in one-shot awards and that he would be pepared to do that in the case of the rest of the U.P. System, including PGH.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Chancellor Velasco said that his elementary school and high school were in Diliman and his undergraduate years were spent in UPLB. He said that he wanted to serve "para makabawi sa tulong na binigay sa akin," referring not only to his parents but to U.P. itself.
Readers who are interested in reading selective coverage of the opening statements of the nominees in this particular forum should click on this link at the Diliman Diary:
Here are the questions posed to the nominees and their corresponding answers. While each nominee was asked to answer two common questions, the remaining questions were chosen at random from a fishbowl containing slips of pape, by each nominee and were thus specific to each nominee:
1. Cabral, Esperanza I.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral said that "everybody in the university should be enrolled in the national health program, even students."
Asked, what are your thoughts of a return service agreement for all U.P. graduates? Dr. Cabral said of the U.P. budget, PhP 3.9 billion was for students. Since the whole U.P. System had a population of 52,000 students, then each student gets PhP 78,000 a year in subsidies. "We can ask for a kapalit," Dr. Cabral said, using the conditional cash transfers program of the government as an example where recipients were required to meet certain performance parameters or undertake certain activities in return for cash.
Asked, given the violent frat culture what will you do to address violence in frats? Dr. Cabral said the violence in fraternities "is isolated." However, she said the there should be a system for monitoring certain activities based on the principles for which U.P. stands: "non-violence and participative democracy." Dr. Cabral's answer was met with loud applause by the audience.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Cabral said that, "I thank the people who nominated me, but I do not seek any position per se."
2. Pangalangan, Raul C.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, Former U.P. College of Law Dean Raul C. Pangalangan agreed that there should be universal health care and that health care should be "actuarialized." he also said that the U.P. Provident Fund was doing well, and that further steps could be undertaken to strengthen it.
Asked how will the U.P. President work within the framework of the 2008 U.P. Charter (R.A. 9500) giving the Board of Regents (BOR) new powers to design a new salary scheme for U.P. employees, Dean Pangalangan said that with its expanded powers, U.P. is "now a corporate entity, but it is still bound by salary categories." The challenge, he said, is to use the power to raise money, which boils down to figuring out how to maximize ways to raise funds. As a former Dean of the U.P. College of Law, he said he had managed to increase bonuses several times for the staff, since he was able to also correspondingly raise funds to finance these bonuses.
Given a question as to how the U.P. Open University may develop and implement plans to reach beyond the autonomous campuses, Dean Pangalangan said U.P. should "experiment with ways to tap technologies without losing the face to face benefits of interaction between faculty and students. He said that even in other countries, there was always still a face to face component that enriched the learning process.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dean Pangalangan said, "the univesity is where I studied, and served all my adult life. I want to contribute to the growth of U.P. I care about certain types of gratifications. I have served as a full professor and as a Dean and now I want to leave a legacy behind for U.P."
3. Pascual, Alfredo E.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, Alumni Regent (on leave) Alfredo E. Pascual said U.P. needed to study Philhealth coverage of REPS, teachers, and staff without burdening them unduly with more premiums. He said for certain items or major expenses that are not covered, U.P. can provide a supplemental program. He also said that U.P. was lucky, because through the U.P. College of Medicine and PGH, there was a tremendous in-house expertise and facilities that could be tapped as a resource for all U.P. employees.
Asked what kind of initiatives he would undertake to improve the system for faculty promotion and tenure and to develop a career path for the REPS, Regent Pascual said "this requires study." However, he cited the principle that it is the faculty who should decide who qualifies for tenure or not while the BOR ensures that there no abuses. In the case of REPS, they should be promoted based on qualifications. He said that he did not agree with the practice that thee should be no possibility of breaking the glass ceiling in the case of REPS who were qualified to become faculty.
Asked about how U.P. can pioneer in telemedecine with an emphasis on delivery to health care providers, Regent Pascual said that the application of information and communications technology should be utilized to improve the delivery of the health care services and it is at this point that regent Pascual said that he was talking to a major telecommunications company to ensure that the bulk bandwidth was available to U.P. to ensure that it could carry out other projects which would include telemedicine as well.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Regent Pascual said that as an Iskolar ng Bayan, he wanted to to fulfill his "delayed return service to U.P." Regent Pascual said that he was a NISD scholar "but they threw me out" of possible service to NISD. He said that he liked the idea of the opportunity of solving complex challenges "which I will not shrink from. I hope to contribute my expertise to my beloved U.P.," he said.
4. Diokno Ma. Serena I.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman History Professor Ma. Serena I. Diokno revealed that she had a colleague from her department who had incurred up to PhP 1 million in costs to replace a heart valve. This colleague was only able to accomplish this through a social network, but there was still the post-surgery rehabilitation that needed to be done. She said on a practical basis, it was possible for U.P. constituents to avail of private insurance on an informal basis and using their numbers as leverage to command discounts from insurance companies.
Asked what proportion of graduate students there should be to undergraduate students, Professor Diokno, a former Vice President of Academic Affairs of the U.P. System said "not all universities are graduate universities." "The fundamental requirement is not the ratio, but the output of the faculty," she stressed, adding that even a so-called second-tier university such as the University of West Indies at Mona now required its faculty to have one published output per faculty per year, implying that some kind of similar mechanism can be worked out for U.P.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Diokno said that "service was a sacrifice and an administrative position was less important than my being a member of the faculty, and I will always be proud of it." Admitting that she was worried about the future of the university, Dr. Diokno reminded her audience that her late father Senator Jose W. Diokno was always asked by his family why he continued to lead such a hard life in fighting former President Ferdinand E. Marcos at great personal cost, and the reply which was her own as well was, "in life you have to beklieve in a cause bigger than yourself."
5. Cao, Sergio S.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman Chancellor Sergio S. Cao, a former Vice-President for Finance of the U.P. System said that while U.P. can't pay pensions, the 2008 U.P. Charter allowsthe granting of benefits to U.P. employees.
He said that he would work for PhP 200,000 in financial assistance for hospital expenses to be approved by the BOR if he became U.P. President.
Asked how U.P. could maintain a good pool of faculty in order to have a good graduate university, Chancellor Cao said that the answer was to strengthen programs which essentially hinged on figuring out how to entice the faculty to join. He said this could be done by improving salaries and benefit, and providing an environment where the faculty can grow, and where there are mentors. For example, he said there are faculty from the College of Engineering who would be willing to stay in U.P. for as long as there was a good laboratory and good infrastructure.
Asked why the U.P. Pahinungod was devolved, Chancellor Cao said that for example it was devolved into the Gurong Pahinungod in the College of education and that every college had some kind of way to handle the devolution. He said the original concept of the Pahinungod was to address the premise that "U.P. had lost its soul," and therefore this outreach program was one way to recapture this lost essence. Chancellor Cao said that the new thrust was to let the colleges handle this "because each college knows what it is. Kailangan manatili sa kolehiyo ito," he said.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Chancellor Cao used the words, "kakayahan at karanasan." He said that as U.P. Diliman Chancellor he had many programs that he would like to implement throughout the entire U.P. System. "I am willing to seve. Ang gustong-gusto ay delikado." He said that the process for nominating an individual to the U.P. Presidency did not stress that an individual "want to serve" but that he be "willing to serve." In view of the many nominations for him to serve as U.P. President, Chancellor Cao said that he was "willing to serve" as U.P. President.
6. Teodosio, Virginia A.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Diliman School of Labour and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) Professor Virginia A. Teodosio said one way of addressing this problem was for U.P. employees to organize themselves into a cooperative "where we can be donor and manager at the same time." She called for an actuarial study on the matter, and said that in SOLAIR for example, all employees and faculty were covdered by MAXICARE.
On the issue of how to address the lack of faculty and staff items in U.P. Mindanao, Professor Teodosio said that one way of addressing this is to increase the budget and find ways for U.P. Mindanao to develop alternative sources of income.
Asked what strategies she had for U.P. becoming a research university, she said that in 6 years many senior faculty are retiring. Therefore, U.P. needed to raise money by using its social capital and to engage in collective-style businesses.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?"Professor Teodosio said that she was on the verge of "becoming the varegiver of my 82 year old Mom," but that the call of service motivated her to throw her hat into the ring. "I want to utilize my experience n social entrepreneurship in helping U.P., she said. I want to help my generation and the next generation to have heart."
7. Briones, Leonor M.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) Professor Leonor M. Briones said that the problem was that dreaded diseases tended not to be covered in existing coverages. She said that Philhealth, for example, had a large idle fund. She said that if she became U.P. President, she could help address this issue by getting back the PhP 1.179 billion taken out of U.P.'s Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) which was not granted by the DBM as well as the Php 300 million still owed to it by the national government under the U.P. Charter.
Asked ano ang maging pagkakaiba ng Presidency ninyo sa Roman Presidency, Professor Briones replied that she wold focus on financials, especially the raising of funds through public and private means. She said that she would also make sure that U.P. exploited its idle assets. She said that unlike Roman, who has a doctorate in business administration, she came from NCPAG which was a school of public administration with an emphasis, she said "sa pagsisilbi."
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Professor Briones said that she she at first refused the pleas of two of her young students to run for the U.P. Presidency. "Are you kidding?" she told them asking them to go away. However, the two students persisted, and she eventually gave in, despite the fact that she realized that at least half of U.P. Presidents had "their hearts broken by their jobs" because she listened to the impassioned pleas of her students that "you need to run, you need to help the university."
8. Alaras, Consolacion R.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage she contemplated for U.P. constituents, Former Department of English and Comparative Literature Consolacion R. Alaras said it was important to ensure the health benefits of faculty, staff and fresearchers. "I believe in justness and equity and the spirit of damayan," Professor Alaras said, adding that "all of us must have health coverage, or none at all."
Asked how she would cope as U.P. President with a corresponding lack of funds without tuition fee increases, Professor Alaras said "the basic point is that the government puts out the fund." However, in such situations, she said "Rizal is my model," adding that U.P. should shoulder what it can do well, such as for example, in education, governance and diplomacy. "Dreams can become realities," she said.
Asked what steps are you going to undertake to strengthen democratic governance in U.P., with an emphasis on the recent unilateral ouster of Dr. Jose Gonzales as PGH Director, Professor Alaras cracked, "parang ayoko yung tanong na yan ah," eliciting laughter from the audience, many of whom are U.P. College of Medicine faculty, nurses, staff and other personnel from PGH. Alaras said that she was in favour of instituting multisectoral assemblies to democratize consultation. Referring to Dr. Gonzales' removal by a reversal of the vote within the BOR through a manipulation of the board composition by the outgoing Roman administration, she criticized the U.P. administration by saying, "On the one hand you will use something to justify a decision and invoke an issue to get what you want or you will abandon an issue again just to get what you want." "The basic principle is that once Dr. Gonzales was approved as PGH Director," he should have remained as such. Professor Alaras' remarks were met with warm applause from the audience.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Professor Alaras said that U.P. was a metaphor for the Philippine nation and that whatever will happen in U.P. will influence the Philippine nation" and that she as running to positively influence not only U.P., but the rest of the country.
9. Azanza, Patrick Alain T.
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. College of Education Senior Lecturer Dr. Patrick Alain T. Azanza said that if Quezon City had a yellow card, then "U.P. should have a maroon card," a statement that was met with applause from the audience. Azanza also used the question to make statement about University-related foundations raising funds without the public knowing what is happening in those foundations.
Asked how he would improve U.P. faculty compensation, Dr. Azanza said he would stress increasding incentives in return for increasing intellectual outputs. However, he said that it was also important to tap the idle resources of U.P.
Dr. Azanza, responding to the query, how will you attract U.P. faculty to stay, said that a former Dean of the U.P. College of Law received an eviction notice for overstaying in faculty housing. He disagreed with this, saying that "we have to make sure that we retain the best, but the best has its price." He said, "my mission is to run for the U.P. Presidency," utilizing his skills in human resource development in "compensating the faculty properly."
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Dr. Azanza said that "the sectors asked me to run. Ang nomination ko ay isang dalisay na pagkakataon para magsilbi sa bayan."
10. Velasco, Luis Rey
In response to the question as to what kind of health care coverage he contemplated for U.P. constituents, U.P. Los Baños Chancellor Luis Rey Velasco said he preferred to stress "a preventive approach," because "kuminsan nagsisitabaan ang faculty."
Asked the question, "Shouldn't U.P. be producing graduates primarily for the public sector?" Chancellor Velasco said that U.P.'s responsibility was "for all parts of the Philippines." He said that "the private sector is the economic engine for growth of the country, and we need to have one country where we all work together."
Asked what his plans were for PGH employees, because PGH should in fact be part of SSL3 despite this premise being challenged by the Department of Budget and Management, Chancellor Velasco said that he believed in merit incentives for performance. He said that as Chancellor of UPLB he made sure that outstanding REPS and staff were given PhP 100 thousand in one-shot awards and that he would be pepared to do that in the case of the rest of the U.P. System, including PGH.
In response to the question, "U.P. is a complex institution with so many problems. Why do you want to be U.P. President?" Chancellor Velasco said that his elementary school and high school were in Diliman and his undergraduate years were spent in UPLB. He said that he wanted to serve "para makabawi sa tulong na binigay sa akin," referring not only to his parents but to U.P. itself.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Faculty Regent's Updates on the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
Updates on the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
Judy M. Taguiwalo
Faculty Regent
September 29, 2010
I am sharing these updates on the September 24 BOR meeting held at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman. The updates cover the substantial decisions and/or discussions which your Faculty Regent considers significant and are based on the notes I made during the meeting. The official documents of past Board of Regents meetings may be accessed at
1.For the first time, the new Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, Senator Edgardo Angara attended. This was the second BOR meeting for Rep. Juan Edgardo Angara, Chair of the House Committee on Higher Education, who was also present in the August 24 BOR meeting held in UP Mindanao. Only Nelia Gonzales among the three Malacanang-appointed Regents was present. Former Justice Abraham Sarmiento, whose term as Regent ends on September 29, and Francis Chua were absent. In all, nine Regents attended the meeting with the presence of CHED Chair Patricia Licuanan, UP President Emerlinda Roman, Atty. Gladys Tiongco, the new Alumni Regent, and the three Sectoral Regents
1.Important decisions on financial matters include the approval of the third rice subsidy (worth P1,500) which is part of the CNA of the University and of the All UP Workers Union and the CNA between UP and the All UP Academic Employees Union.
The second merit incentive worth P5, 000 was also approved. However for administrative staff and REPS with administrative assignments, the merit incentive is tied to their submission of the OPES individual work plans. The All UP Workers Union has raised objections to this condition as the merit incentive was originally part of the CNA incentives won by the union. Also the workers union has pointed out that the OPES is still in its pilot stage and the union was not consulted in the adoption and pilot implementation of this additional evaluation instrument. VP for Administration VP Samaniego said that in a recent meeting with HRDO heads, only a few administrative staff of UP have not submitted their work plan. The Staff Regent asked for the precise number of administrative staff who have not done so.
UP Diliman’s request for the programming of P8 million from its Revolving Fund, chargeable against the Legal Research Fund was also approved. The amount covers P4 million in Personal Services, P1.5 million for MOOE and P2.5 million for capital outlay.
1.Discussions on matters arising from the previous meeting of the BOR included the “Sagad Award” and the “Request for Equity re Sick Leave Privilege”. Discussions on the two were deferred upon the request of Senator Angara to allow him time to study the matter. He asked the Secretary of the Board to provide him with the necessary background information on these concerns.
“Guidelines for the merit promotion of faculty members who are eligible to cross rank and are due for compulsory retirement.” The BOR approved last July 29, 2010 allowing faculty members who have fulfilled the requirements for crossing rank and are due for compulsory retirement to be promoted even without the university-wide call for promotion. As I was aware that the original proposal, which came from the UP Diliman Executive Committee, referred to ALL eligible faculty members, I asked the Board in our August 27 meeting to go back to the original proposal. President Roman said that the PAC had already turned down the proposal but would raise it again in the PAC meeting scheduled right after the BOR meeting.
In the September 24 BOR meeting, President Roman reported that the PAC decided to stick with the approved BOR policy limited the merit promotion for crossing rank only to faculty who are due for compulsory retirement for the following reasons:
the financial implications of the recommendation, in particular the effect on CU savings; opening the floodgates to further promotion requests when current policies already allow out-of-season promotion, e.g. one who obtains a Ph.D. with publications may actually cross-rank even without yet reaching say, Assistant Professor 7.
In response, I argued that part of the CU savings actually come from the slacks in faculty items and these could be used more appropriately to allow qualified faculty members, regardless of age, to cross-ranks outside of the promotion season which is dependent on additional money from DBM. Also I could not comprehend that the extension of this policy would open “the floodgates for promotion requests” as there are no exact data presented on how many faculty members are actually occupying the ceiling for Assistant Prof (Assistant Prof 7, Step 7 ) or Associate Prof (Assoc Prof 7, Step 7) .
The compromise agreement in the BOR meeting was to take this matter to the University Council meetings of the different constituent universities which are scheduled to meet this December 2010.
Sustainable Management and Development Plan for the UP Sierra Madre Land Grants: This was first presented in the July 29, 2010 meeting of the BOR and was deferred for further study. The plan, prepared by UPLB and endorsed by the UP System administration is supposed “to guide the development efforts in the Laguna Quezon Land Grant (LQLG, with an area of 6765.4 hectares), the Laguna Land Grant (LLG, with an area of 3435.4 hectares, and even the Makiling Forest Reserve (MFR). It will provide proper context to the many project initiatives that have been undertaken relative to these UP land holdings.” Sen. Angara raised the need to explore the viability of the eventual transfer of UP to Laguna-Quezon given the speed of urbanization in Quezon City and Manila. I requested for a briefing to interested BOR members by the VP for Planning on the actual plan being presented for approval to the BOR. The approval was deferred until after such briefing.
The 2010 UP Faculty Regent Selection Process: The proposal prepared by the President and the Chancellors is “a consolidation of the proposals approved by the seven (7) University Councils and the inputs of the President and the Chancellors”. I raised objections on the following: the general description of the Role of the Faculty Regent, the adoption of the electronic method of voting without a period of piloting, the prohibition on campaigning, the requirement that a nominee who is an officer of a bona fide organization in the University must take a leave of absence from the organization once she or he accepts the nomination as this particularly targets faculty members who are officers of the recognized union of faculty. Most importantly, I raised questions on the so-called approval by the University councils of the proposals which was the basis of the process. I have information that in the July 2010 UC meetings of Baguio and Manila, the chancellors merely asked that comments by faculty members be submitted to their offices. In UP Mindanao, the Chancellor informed the UC that the process was for information only. In UPLB, the matter was presented at the end of the UC meeting and there was no time for deliberations. In UP Diliman, there was discussions on the proposal but there was no explicit approval by the body. Even with the objections, VP Te said that the BOR has no authority to vote on the matter as it would violate the provision of the 2008 UP Charter. Chair Licuanan upheld the position of VP Te and the Board did not deliberate on the matter. I requested that the Board be provided with the transcript of the meetings of the University Councils of the CUs to look into the process of the deliberations of the 2010 proposal.
1.Policy matters approved included the following:
Doctor of Philosophy in Music Program of the College of Music, UP Diliman
Elevation of the Status of UP Visayas Cebu College to an Autonomous Unit Under the Office of the UP President, UP Visayas Cebu College Land Use Plan and Project Development of UP Visayas Cebu College
I raised the concerns of the faculty of UP Cebu high school regarding their status and their proposal for a UP Cebu High School for the Arts. According to President Roman, after the approval of the autonomous status of UP Cebu College, she will request the College of Education and the College of Music of UP Diliman to assist her office on this matter.
1.Appointments of UP Officials
Prof. Mary Ann A. Espina— chosen Dean, College of Architecture, UPD from among four nominees
Dr. Carlo Arcilla—Director, National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), UP Diliman
Dr. Grace de Ocampo—chosen Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, UPLB from two nominees
Dr. Oscar B. Zamora—Dean, Graduate School, UPLB, lone nominee
Dr. Carlos Baylon—chosen Dean, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UP Visayas from among three nominees
Program Coordinators for the Philippine Genome Center (PGC)
Dr. Carmencita Padilla –Program Coordinator for Health Research
Dr. Rita Laude—Program Coordinator for Agricultural Research
Dr. Gisela Concepcion—Program Coordinator for Biodiversity for Drug Discovery
Dr. Cynthia Saloma --- Program Coordinator for Core Facility for DNA Sequencing/Genotyping
Dr. Arturo Llusima --- Program Coordinator for Core Facility for Bio-informatics
Vice President for Academic Affairs Amelia Guevara ‘s appointment as Acting Director of the PGC from September 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011 was approved in the August 27, 2010 BOR meeting.
President Roman also asked for authority to appoint additional Program Coordinators. I suggested that she considers Dr. Annabelle Novero of UP Mindanao who is a molecular biologist.
1.Selection of the Next UP President: The Board agreed to hold a special meeting in November 19, 2010 to select the new UP President when Pres. Roman’s term ends on February 2011. The interview of the 11 nominees will be held on November 8 or November 18.
1.Nominations to the Board of Regents: The 2008 UP Charter provides the following: “Three other Regents who have distinguished themselves in their professions or fields of specialization, to be appointed by the President of the Philippines, considering the recommendation of the Board. At least two (2) of these Regents should be alumni. All these Regents shall each serve for a term of two (2) years.”
As the term of office of Regent Sarmiento ends on September 29, I submitted to the Board of Regents as early as August 28 the names of Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera, Dr. Marita Reyes and Dr. Consuelo Paz, all retired UP faculty members for submission to Malacanang. According to President Roman, Malacanang asked for nominations last September 20 and she submitted the following names in addition to those I have earlier recommended: Regents Francis Chua, Nelia Gonzalez and Abraham Sarmiento, Dr. Magdaleno Albarracin Jr., Dr. Victoria Jardiolin, Chief Justice Reynato Puno (ret.), Former Acting UPAA President and Former Alumni Regent Ponciano Rivera
During the September 24 BOR meeting, Regent Gladys Tiongco submitted the names of Dr. Federico Macaranas, Atty. Ancheta K. Tan and Dr. Napoleon T. Vergara. Senator Angara nominated Atty. Alfonso R. Reyno Jr. These names together with the name of Atty. Gladys Tiongco and Former Chancellor Ruben L. Villareal were transmitted to Malacanang after the BOR meeting.
1.Approval of the Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) prototype at the University of the Philippines Diliman Campus. “ DOST shall undertake an evaluation and assessment of the UP Diliman campus transport system; conduct the necessary Research and Development processes and activities; and design and construct a prototype Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) consisting of two 60-passenger capacity coaches traversing a 2-kilometer (approx.) test track in an area within the UP Diliman campus to be designated by the University”. The Staff Regent and I raised the concerns that consideration of the impact of this project on transportation fares for students and staff and on the jeepney drivers of the Katipunan-UP and Philcoa-UP routes should be taken into account in the planning and execution of the AGT prototype.
1.Faculty Regents’ Concerns:
On the status of the tenure decision of Prof. Sarah Raymundo: I submitted the attached document in response to a letter sent by the Department of Sociology last July 2010 to President Roman. The BOR again discussed how the decision granting tenure to Prof. Sarah Raymundo can be implemented. President Roman was again instructed to look for ways to operationalize the BOR decision.
On the tenure of Prof. Roberto Basadre of UPV Cebu. Prof. Basadre has fulfilled the requirements for tenure and has been recommended by his division and by the College APC. But the UP Cebu Dean overturned the recommendations and instead recommended that the waiver of the tenure rule be applied to Prof. Basadre. The waiver of the tenure rule has been used to allow the retention of temporary faculty members who have served for three years, whose publications have been accepted but have yet to come out. Prof. Basadre has fulfilled all the requirements for tenure and the UP Cebu Dean’s decision to deny him tenure and to retain him only as temporary faculty was on the basis of the reorganization of UP Cebu. I raised issue over this decision as this is unfair to the faculty concerned. Prof. Basadre continues to appeal his case with President Roman.
COA Report on the 2007 Investiture Expenses of UP Mindanao Chancellor Gilda C. Rivero. Last February 19, 2010, the Commission on Audit in Davao in an “Audit Observation Memorandum” wrote to Chancellor Rivero ” that an audit of the 2007 Investiture expenses exceed by P269,584.67 or by 72% the approved budget and requested her explanation for such. In the deliberations for the UP Mindanao chancellorship last March, I brought to the meeting the concern of a number of UP Mindanao constituents over giving Dr. Rivero a second term considering that she has yet to explain this serious financial question. But the majority of the BOR did not consider the matter crucial enough as the issue has not been settled and if the final audit would reveal that Dr. Rivero has actually overspent, then she could just reimburse the amount. if disallowed by COA. Chancellor Rivero was given a second term.
The Commission on Audit in Davao City in its August 23, 2010 “Report on the Special Audit /Investigation Conducted of the University of the Philippines Mindanao “ found that that Chancellor Rivero had overspent by P269,584.67 or by 72% of the approved budget investiture budget of P374,216. The report ended with the recommendation that the UP Mindanao Chancellor should “ be admonished to prioritize the allocation of its funds on U.P.-Min's mandated purposes.” (For a copy of the August 2010 COA report, please see
On September 21, 2010 , the heads of the three major recognized organizations of UP Mindanao, the Chair of the Student Council, the President of the All UP Workers Union and the President of the All UP Academic Employees Union wrote a letter to Board of Regents “strongly urging “ the members of the Board to :
“Let Dr. Rivero personally restitute the excess amount spend during her investiture, amounting to PhP269,584.67. It is clear from the breakdown of this amount that the expenses were extravagant, unnecessary, or personal (i.e., expenses of her guests);
Recall Dr. Rivero’s appointment as chancellor of UP Mindanao based on moral integrity and misuse of limited funds; to whom much is given, much is expected in terms of accountability;
Translate “admonish” into specific sanction for Chancellor Rivero. “
As this matter was presented at the last part of the meeting and there was no time for discussions, this was tabled for the next BOR meeting.
Faculty Regent’s Report to the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
Response to the Department of Sociology’s Inquiries on the BOR Decision Granting Prof. Sarah Raymundo Tenure
Faculty Regent’s Report to the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
Response to the Department of Sociology’s Inquiries on the BOR Decision Granting Prof. Sarah Raymundo Tenure
(To enlarge the scans, just click on them. To return to the original post, please click on this link:
Judy M. Taguiwalo
Faculty Regent
September 29, 2010
I am sharing these updates on the September 24 BOR meeting held at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman. The updates cover the substantial decisions and/or discussions which your Faculty Regent considers significant and are based on the notes I made during the meeting. The official documents of past Board of Regents meetings may be accessed at
1.For the first time, the new Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, Senator Edgardo Angara attended. This was the second BOR meeting for Rep. Juan Edgardo Angara, Chair of the House Committee on Higher Education, who was also present in the August 24 BOR meeting held in UP Mindanao. Only Nelia Gonzales among the three Malacanang-appointed Regents was present. Former Justice Abraham Sarmiento, whose term as Regent ends on September 29, and Francis Chua were absent. In all, nine Regents attended the meeting with the presence of CHED Chair Patricia Licuanan, UP President Emerlinda Roman, Atty. Gladys Tiongco, the new Alumni Regent, and the three Sectoral Regents
1.Important decisions on financial matters include the approval of the third rice subsidy (worth P1,500) which is part of the CNA of the University and of the All UP Workers Union and the CNA between UP and the All UP Academic Employees Union.
The second merit incentive worth P5, 000 was also approved. However for administrative staff and REPS with administrative assignments, the merit incentive is tied to their submission of the OPES individual work plans. The All UP Workers Union has raised objections to this condition as the merit incentive was originally part of the CNA incentives won by the union. Also the workers union has pointed out that the OPES is still in its pilot stage and the union was not consulted in the adoption and pilot implementation of this additional evaluation instrument. VP for Administration VP Samaniego said that in a recent meeting with HRDO heads, only a few administrative staff of UP have not submitted their work plan. The Staff Regent asked for the precise number of administrative staff who have not done so.
UP Diliman’s request for the programming of P8 million from its Revolving Fund, chargeable against the Legal Research Fund was also approved. The amount covers P4 million in Personal Services, P1.5 million for MOOE and P2.5 million for capital outlay.
1.Discussions on matters arising from the previous meeting of the BOR included the “Sagad Award” and the “Request for Equity re Sick Leave Privilege”. Discussions on the two were deferred upon the request of Senator Angara to allow him time to study the matter. He asked the Secretary of the Board to provide him with the necessary background information on these concerns.
“Guidelines for the merit promotion of faculty members who are eligible to cross rank and are due for compulsory retirement.” The BOR approved last July 29, 2010 allowing faculty members who have fulfilled the requirements for crossing rank and are due for compulsory retirement to be promoted even without the university-wide call for promotion. As I was aware that the original proposal, which came from the UP Diliman Executive Committee, referred to ALL eligible faculty members, I asked the Board in our August 27 meeting to go back to the original proposal. President Roman said that the PAC had already turned down the proposal but would raise it again in the PAC meeting scheduled right after the BOR meeting.
In the September 24 BOR meeting, President Roman reported that the PAC decided to stick with the approved BOR policy limited the merit promotion for crossing rank only to faculty who are due for compulsory retirement for the following reasons:
the financial implications of the recommendation, in particular the effect on CU savings; opening the floodgates to further promotion requests when current policies already allow out-of-season promotion, e.g. one who obtains a Ph.D. with publications may actually cross-rank even without yet reaching say, Assistant Professor 7.
In response, I argued that part of the CU savings actually come from the slacks in faculty items and these could be used more appropriately to allow qualified faculty members, regardless of age, to cross-ranks outside of the promotion season which is dependent on additional money from DBM. Also I could not comprehend that the extension of this policy would open “the floodgates for promotion requests” as there are no exact data presented on how many faculty members are actually occupying the ceiling for Assistant Prof (Assistant Prof 7, Step 7 ) or Associate Prof (Assoc Prof 7, Step 7) .
The compromise agreement in the BOR meeting was to take this matter to the University Council meetings of the different constituent universities which are scheduled to meet this December 2010.
Sustainable Management and Development Plan for the UP Sierra Madre Land Grants: This was first presented in the July 29, 2010 meeting of the BOR and was deferred for further study. The plan, prepared by UPLB and endorsed by the UP System administration is supposed “to guide the development efforts in the Laguna Quezon Land Grant (LQLG, with an area of 6765.4 hectares), the Laguna Land Grant (LLG, with an area of 3435.4 hectares, and even the Makiling Forest Reserve (MFR). It will provide proper context to the many project initiatives that have been undertaken relative to these UP land holdings.” Sen. Angara raised the need to explore the viability of the eventual transfer of UP to Laguna-Quezon given the speed of urbanization in Quezon City and Manila. I requested for a briefing to interested BOR members by the VP for Planning on the actual plan being presented for approval to the BOR. The approval was deferred until after such briefing.
The 2010 UP Faculty Regent Selection Process: The proposal prepared by the President and the Chancellors is “a consolidation of the proposals approved by the seven (7) University Councils and the inputs of the President and the Chancellors”. I raised objections on the following: the general description of the Role of the Faculty Regent, the adoption of the electronic method of voting without a period of piloting, the prohibition on campaigning, the requirement that a nominee who is an officer of a bona fide organization in the University must take a leave of absence from the organization once she or he accepts the nomination as this particularly targets faculty members who are officers of the recognized union of faculty. Most importantly, I raised questions on the so-called approval by the University councils of the proposals which was the basis of the process. I have information that in the July 2010 UC meetings of Baguio and Manila, the chancellors merely asked that comments by faculty members be submitted to their offices. In UP Mindanao, the Chancellor informed the UC that the process was for information only. In UPLB, the matter was presented at the end of the UC meeting and there was no time for deliberations. In UP Diliman, there was discussions on the proposal but there was no explicit approval by the body. Even with the objections, VP Te said that the BOR has no authority to vote on the matter as it would violate the provision of the 2008 UP Charter. Chair Licuanan upheld the position of VP Te and the Board did not deliberate on the matter. I requested that the Board be provided with the transcript of the meetings of the University Councils of the CUs to look into the process of the deliberations of the 2010 proposal.
1.Policy matters approved included the following:
Doctor of Philosophy in Music Program of the College of Music, UP Diliman
Elevation of the Status of UP Visayas Cebu College to an Autonomous Unit Under the Office of the UP President, UP Visayas Cebu College Land Use Plan and Project Development of UP Visayas Cebu College
I raised the concerns of the faculty of UP Cebu high school regarding their status and their proposal for a UP Cebu High School for the Arts. According to President Roman, after the approval of the autonomous status of UP Cebu College, she will request the College of Education and the College of Music of UP Diliman to assist her office on this matter.
1.Appointments of UP Officials
Prof. Mary Ann A. Espina— chosen Dean, College of Architecture, UPD from among four nominees
Dr. Carlo Arcilla—Director, National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS), UP Diliman
Dr. Grace de Ocampo—chosen Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, UPLB from two nominees
Dr. Oscar B. Zamora—Dean, Graduate School, UPLB, lone nominee
Dr. Carlos Baylon—chosen Dean, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UP Visayas from among three nominees
Program Coordinators for the Philippine Genome Center (PGC)
Dr. Carmencita Padilla –Program Coordinator for Health Research
Dr. Rita Laude—Program Coordinator for Agricultural Research
Dr. Gisela Concepcion—Program Coordinator for Biodiversity for Drug Discovery
Dr. Cynthia Saloma --- Program Coordinator for Core Facility for DNA Sequencing/Genotyping
Dr. Arturo Llusima --- Program Coordinator for Core Facility for Bio-informatics
Vice President for Academic Affairs Amelia Guevara ‘s appointment as Acting Director of the PGC from September 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011 was approved in the August 27, 2010 BOR meeting.
President Roman also asked for authority to appoint additional Program Coordinators. I suggested that she considers Dr. Annabelle Novero of UP Mindanao who is a molecular biologist.
1.Selection of the Next UP President: The Board agreed to hold a special meeting in November 19, 2010 to select the new UP President when Pres. Roman’s term ends on February 2011. The interview of the 11 nominees will be held on November 8 or November 18.
1.Nominations to the Board of Regents: The 2008 UP Charter provides the following: “Three other Regents who have distinguished themselves in their professions or fields of specialization, to be appointed by the President of the Philippines, considering the recommendation of the Board. At least two (2) of these Regents should be alumni. All these Regents shall each serve for a term of two (2) years.”
As the term of office of Regent Sarmiento ends on September 29, I submitted to the Board of Regents as early as August 28 the names of Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera, Dr. Marita Reyes and Dr. Consuelo Paz, all retired UP faculty members for submission to Malacanang. According to President Roman, Malacanang asked for nominations last September 20 and she submitted the following names in addition to those I have earlier recommended: Regents Francis Chua, Nelia Gonzalez and Abraham Sarmiento, Dr. Magdaleno Albarracin Jr., Dr. Victoria Jardiolin, Chief Justice Reynato Puno (ret.), Former Acting UPAA President and Former Alumni Regent Ponciano Rivera
During the September 24 BOR meeting, Regent Gladys Tiongco submitted the names of Dr. Federico Macaranas, Atty. Ancheta K. Tan and Dr. Napoleon T. Vergara. Senator Angara nominated Atty. Alfonso R. Reyno Jr. These names together with the name of Atty. Gladys Tiongco and Former Chancellor Ruben L. Villareal were transmitted to Malacanang after the BOR meeting.
1.Approval of the Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) prototype at the University of the Philippines Diliman Campus. “ DOST shall undertake an evaluation and assessment of the UP Diliman campus transport system; conduct the necessary Research and Development processes and activities; and design and construct a prototype Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) consisting of two 60-passenger capacity coaches traversing a 2-kilometer (approx.) test track in an area within the UP Diliman campus to be designated by the University”. The Staff Regent and I raised the concerns that consideration of the impact of this project on transportation fares for students and staff and on the jeepney drivers of the Katipunan-UP and Philcoa-UP routes should be taken into account in the planning and execution of the AGT prototype.
1.Faculty Regents’ Concerns:
On the status of the tenure decision of Prof. Sarah Raymundo: I submitted the attached document in response to a letter sent by the Department of Sociology last July 2010 to President Roman. The BOR again discussed how the decision granting tenure to Prof. Sarah Raymundo can be implemented. President Roman was again instructed to look for ways to operationalize the BOR decision.
On the tenure of Prof. Roberto Basadre of UPV Cebu. Prof. Basadre has fulfilled the requirements for tenure and has been recommended by his division and by the College APC. But the UP Cebu Dean overturned the recommendations and instead recommended that the waiver of the tenure rule be applied to Prof. Basadre. The waiver of the tenure rule has been used to allow the retention of temporary faculty members who have served for three years, whose publications have been accepted but have yet to come out. Prof. Basadre has fulfilled all the requirements for tenure and the UP Cebu Dean’s decision to deny him tenure and to retain him only as temporary faculty was on the basis of the reorganization of UP Cebu. I raised issue over this decision as this is unfair to the faculty concerned. Prof. Basadre continues to appeal his case with President Roman.
COA Report on the 2007 Investiture Expenses of UP Mindanao Chancellor Gilda C. Rivero. Last February 19, 2010, the Commission on Audit in Davao in an “Audit Observation Memorandum” wrote to Chancellor Rivero ” that an audit of the 2007 Investiture expenses exceed by P269,584.67 or by 72% the approved budget and requested her explanation for such. In the deliberations for the UP Mindanao chancellorship last March, I brought to the meeting the concern of a number of UP Mindanao constituents over giving Dr. Rivero a second term considering that she has yet to explain this serious financial question. But the majority of the BOR did not consider the matter crucial enough as the issue has not been settled and if the final audit would reveal that Dr. Rivero has actually overspent, then she could just reimburse the amount. if disallowed by COA. Chancellor Rivero was given a second term.
The Commission on Audit in Davao City in its August 23, 2010 “Report on the Special Audit /Investigation Conducted of the University of the Philippines Mindanao “ found that that Chancellor Rivero had overspent by P269,584.67 or by 72% of the approved budget investiture budget of P374,216. The report ended with the recommendation that the UP Mindanao Chancellor should “ be admonished to prioritize the allocation of its funds on U.P.-Min's mandated purposes.” (For a copy of the August 2010 COA report, please see
On September 21, 2010 , the heads of the three major recognized organizations of UP Mindanao, the Chair of the Student Council, the President of the All UP Workers Union and the President of the All UP Academic Employees Union wrote a letter to Board of Regents “strongly urging “ the members of the Board to :
“Let Dr. Rivero personally restitute the excess amount spend during her investiture, amounting to PhP269,584.67. It is clear from the breakdown of this amount that the expenses were extravagant, unnecessary, or personal (i.e., expenses of her guests);
Recall Dr. Rivero’s appointment as chancellor of UP Mindanao based on moral integrity and misuse of limited funds; to whom much is given, much is expected in terms of accountability;
Translate “admonish” into specific sanction for Chancellor Rivero. “
As this matter was presented at the last part of the meeting and there was no time for discussions, this was tabled for the next BOR meeting.
Faculty Regent’s Report to the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
Response to the Department of Sociology’s Inquiries on the BOR Decision Granting Prof. Sarah Raymundo Tenure
Faculty Regent’s Report to the September 24, 2010 BOR meeting
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Response to the Department of Sociology’s Inquiries on the BOR Decision Granting Prof. Sarah Raymundo Tenure
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